Peringatan : Sebagian besar gambar ini tidak disarankan untuk anda yang memiliki perut lemah, beberapa gambar bisa menimbulkan rasa jijik dan mual.
![A restaurant in Yogyakarta, Indonesia features a burger made of cobra meat. About 1,000 cobras are caught in Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java provinces each week and are sold for their meat for around to $1.15 each.](
![Snake meat is seen as part of a soup dish in China, where snake meat is a traditional part of many regional cuisines and is believed to be good for the health.](
![In Lahore, Pakistan, men line up for Siri Paya, a traditional breakfast dish made of goat heads and feet.](
![In Kampong Cham province, Cambodia, a vendor sells deep-friend spiders to customers at a bus station. $2.00 will get you 10 crunchy spiders seasoned with garlic.](
![Hard-boiled eggs cooked in boys' urine are a springtime snack in Dongyang, Zhejiang province in China.](
![A Saudi Arabian man crunches on the hands of an Uromastyx lizard, an animal whose blood is believed to treat diseases and strengthen the body. Also known as "dabb lizards", these small reptiles are often caught by hooks or sniffer dogs and are enjoyed as a delicacy in many parts of the Middle East.](
![A typical sauce made with particularly large ants called "Culonas" is seen here at a restaurant in Barichara, Colombia.](
![Lemurs are sold to restaurants in Madagascar as "luxury bush meat." Many endangered species of lemurs unique to Madagascar are being killed illegally by poachers, largely due to a lack of security on the island after a recent coup.](
![A Chinese woman eats from an ox and dog penis dish at a penis restaurant in Beijing that serves over 30 types of animal penises in traditional hotpot style. In China, many animal penises are thought to have medicinal properties.](
![In Taiwan, cobra eggs and embryos (pictured here at a snake farm in Southern Taiwan) are eaten for good health.](
![A woman prepares a guinea pig for cooking in Langui, Peru. Guinea pigs are a delicacy in many parts of South America.](
![In Canh Nau, Vietnam, rats were once eaten as a last resort in cases of extreme hunger, but they're now eaten as part of a special dish prepared at the end of each lunar calendar.](
![Slaughtered dogs are prepared for sale in Duong Noi, a small village in Vietnam. Dog meat is a common dish in many Eastern Asian nations.](
![A woman in Al Jazeera, Sudan prepares a dish with camel liver. Between 1996 and 2002, Sudan was estimated to have produced between 72,000 and 81,000 tons of camel meat each year.](
![Turtle meat is sold at a market in a Nicaraguan port town. The going rate in Nicaragua? About $1.10 per pound.](
![A worker cuts up a roasted cat in the back room of a restaurant in the Ivory Coast. Cat meat is a traditional food in much of Africa and Asia.](
![A butcher in Bolivia slices into a boiled sheep's head. Sheep's head soup is a popular dish in Bolivia.](
![A woman drops a skinned frog into a blender in Peru. Some Peruvians believe that frog juice or "extracto de rana" can be a powerful aphrodisiac.](
Kali ini kita akan membahas makanan-makanan ekstrim dari berbagai belahan dunia. Bagi mereka yang tinggal di negara asal makanan tersebut mungkin tidak merasa aneh atau jijik sama sekali namun bagi kita yang tinggal di belahan dunia lain makanan ini bisa jadi menimbulkan rasa mual. Nah sekarang makanan ekstrem apa sajakah yang kami maksud simak saja dibawah ini. Sengaja kami tampilkan makanan yang paling kelihatan "normal" diatas, jadi jika anda merasa tidak sanggup membaca lebih lanjut kami sarankan anda menutup browser anda.
Burger Kobra
![A restaurant in Yogyakarta, Indonesia features a burger made of cobra meat. About 1,000 cobras are caught in Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java provinces each week and are sold for their meat for around to $1.15 each.](
Restoran di Jogja mengolah daging ular kobra menjadi hidangan burger yang kelihatan lezat.
Sup Ular
![Snake meat is seen as part of a soup dish in China, where snake meat is a traditional part of many regional cuisines and is believed to be good for the health.](
Sup daging ular banyak dihidangkan di negara China, konon sup ular memiliki khasiat khusus.
Siri Paya
![In Lahore, Pakistan, men line up for Siri Paya, a traditional breakfast dish made of goat heads and feet.](
Makanan Pakistan yang tampak seperti gulai ini terbuat dari kepala dan kaki kambing.
Serangga Goreng
![In Kampong Cham province, Cambodia, a vendor sells deep-friend spiders to customers at a bus station. $2.00 will get you 10 crunchy spiders seasoned with garlic.](
Serangga goreng bisa ditemui di negara seperti Kamboja, salah satu serangga tersebut adalah laba-laba utuh yang kemudian digoreng dan dibumbui bawang.
Telur Urine
![Hard-boiled eggs cooked in boys' urine are a springtime snack in Dongyang, Zhejiang province in China.](
Telur ini spesial karena direndam dulu didalam baskom berisi cairan urine anak laki-laki, makanan ini mudah ditemui di Dongyang China.
![A Saudi Arabian man crunches on the hands of an Uromastyx lizard, an animal whose blood is believed to treat diseases and strengthen the body. Also known as "dabb lizards", these small reptiles are often caught by hooks or sniffer dogs and are enjoyed as a delicacy in many parts of the Middle East.](
Uromastyx bukan spesies ayam, namun sejenis kadal yang hidup di gurun pasir, makanan ini menjadi cemilan bagi penduduk gurun, selain itu darahnya dipercaya baik untuk kesehatan.
![A typical sauce made with particularly large ants called "Culonas" is seen here at a restaurant in Barichara, Colombia.](
Makanan Kolombia ini terbuat dari semut-semut yang berukuran besar.
![Lemurs are sold to restaurants in Madagascar as "luxury bush meat." Many endangered species of lemurs unique to Madagascar are being killed illegally by poachers, largely due to a lack of security on the island after a recent coup.](
Binatang lucu ini ternyata menjadi makanan bagi penduduk Madagaskar.
Penis Binatang
![A Chinese woman eats from an ox and dog penis dish at a penis restaurant in Beijing that serves over 30 types of animal penises in traditional hotpot style. In China, many animal penises are thought to have medicinal properties.](
Ada sebuah restoran di China yang menghadirkan 30 macam jenis penis binatang sebagai bahan olahan masakan. Selain penis Ox juga ada penis anjing.
Embrio Kobra
![In Taiwan, cobra eggs and embryos (pictured here at a snake farm in Southern Taiwan) are eaten for good health.](
Jika daging ular kobra bisa membuat anda mual, nah masakan Taiwan ini malah terbuat dari embrio atau telur ular kobra.
Guinea Pig
![A woman prepares a guinea pig for cooking in Langui, Peru. Guinea pigs are a delicacy in many parts of South America.](
Makhluk mungil ini menjadi santapan penduduk Amerika Selatan.
Tikus Panggang
![In Canh Nau, Vietnam, rats were once eaten as a last resort in cases of extreme hunger, but they're now eaten as part of a special dish prepared at the end of each lunar calendar.](
Dulu orang Vietnam makan tikus hanya ketika tidak ada makanan lain, sekarang tikus dimakan karena sudah menjadi tradisi.
![Slaughtered dogs are prepared for sale in Duong Noi, a small village in Vietnam. Dog meat is a common dish in many Eastern Asian nations.](
The Man Best Friend alias anjing merupakan salah satu bahan makanan di Vietnam.
Liver Unta
![A woman in Al Jazeera, Sudan prepares a dish with camel liver. Between 1996 and 2002, Sudan was estimated to have produced between 72,000 and 81,000 tons of camel meat each year.](
Sudan diperkirakan menghasilkan 72000 sampai 81000 liver unta pertahun.
Daging Penyu
![Turtle meat is sold at a market in a Nicaraguan port town. The going rate in Nicaragua? About $1.10 per pound.](
Sangat sedikit daerah atau negara yang memperbolehkan perburuan penyu, karena itu penyu bukan merupakan jenis bahan makanan yang gampang anda temui.
Daging Kucing
![A worker cuts up a roasted cat in the back room of a restaurant in the Ivory Coast. Cat meat is a traditional food in much of Africa and Asia.](
Daging kucing umum dikonsumsi di beberapa negara Asia dan Afrika.
Kepala Kambing
![A butcher in Bolivia slices into a boiled sheep's head. Sheep's head soup is a popular dish in Bolivia.](
Sup kepala kambing umum ditemui di Bolivia sebagai salah satu hidangan lezat.
Extracto De Rana
![A woman drops a skinned frog into a blender in Peru. Some Peruvians believe that frog juice or "extracto de rana" can be a powerful aphrodisiac.](
Extracto De Rana adalah Jus Kodok, warga Peru minum jus kodok karena dipercaya memiliki khasiat Afrodisiak.
Rasanya penulis cukup bersyukur karena kekayaan bahan masakan dan jenis-jenis makanan di Indonesia tidak terlalu ekstrim.
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